The Institute for Timber Construction South Africa (ITC-SA) will be hosting its first CPD-accredited Roof Inspection Training Course of 2019 from 21 to 23 May at its head office in Gauteng.

Come to grips with timber roof structures through the ITC-SA’s Roof Inspection Training Course taking place from 21 to 23 May 2019. Credit: ITC-SA
The course comprises an intensive theoretical and technical overview of timber roof structures. Over the three-day period, students are exposed to basic terminology and timber structure design, framing and bracing, design consideration for light and heavily loaded timber roof structures, manufacturing, transportation and storage, as well as the various timber roof structures and types of buildings.
Further to this, students get first-hand, up-close experience with the roof inspection process, as they venture onto two different construction sites which demonstrate correct and incorrect roofing practices respectively.
The course is designed to enable: any technical person to conduct roof inspections with knowledge and insight; registered professionals to sign off roofs on their own, knowing they speak with authority; and individuals with experience in the roof construction industry to be sufficiency trained to inspect roofs under an accredited ITC-SA professional engineer.
The ITC-SA’s Roof Inspection Training Course carries 3 Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) CPD points. The cost of the course is R5 800 excluding VAT and is payable upfront upon application.
The amount includes the following value-adding items: ITC-SA Bracing Manual Volume 1, ITC-SA Bracing Manual Volume 2, a notepad and pen, a hard hat and reflector vest. Delegates must wear safety shoes for the site visits. Only 18 candidates per course will be permitted.
For bookings, email Jessica Hope at The Roof Inspection Training Course will be hosted at the ITC-SA’s head office, SAFCA Building, 6 Hulley Road, Isando.