Stellenbosch University, in collaboration with the CARE4C project and IUFRO, will present the next international symposium on ‘Managing for resilient forests in a variable future climate’, on 17-19 June 2020 at Stellenbosch University.

The intention of the symposium is to unite interest groups from plantation forestry and natural forests. Image credit: Stellenbosch University
The symposium objectives:
To bring together decision-makers, ecologists, forest scientists, forest practitioners, academics, forest managers and researchers interested in silviculture and modelling of plantations or natural forests in one forum to share and review information, developments, concepts and ideas within the broad spectrum of listed topics. The intention is to unite interest groups from plantation forestry and natural forests, with the combined objective of sharing a better understanding of carbon sequestration dynamics through analysing forest productivity and physiological and morphological responses to climate change. This interaction will facilitate networking to develop joint projects and activities that will address priority research issues.
Visit their website:
Call for abstracts
This is the first call for abstracts all interested speakers from the industry are invited to submit abstracts for presentations on any of the three themes:
- Management opportunities to increase productivity and resilience of mixed-species or uneven aged natural forests under threat of climate change.
- Strategic silvicultural choices and adapted management regimes for plantation forests grown under an increasingly erratic climate.
- Advances in understanding wood formation dynamics and the environmental control of wood property variation.
How to submit:
Interested speakers must open an account with a username and password to submit the abstract online.
The steps are: From the conference home page > ACCOUNT > complete form and mark the last two options; “Reader” and “Author” > CREATE. After the account with user name and password have been created, from the home page > USER HOME > Author; new submission > follow steps 1 to 4 > SUBMIT.
For more information, contact:
Deon Malherbe
Departement Bos- en Houtkunde | Forest and Wood Science Department
Fakulteit AgriWetenskappe | AgriScience Faculty
e: | t: +27 21 808 3317 | c: 083 2878731
Source: Forestry SA