#GenerationRestoration is the theme for this year’s World Environment Day which also marks the launch of the United Nations Decade for Ecosystem Restoration.
According to Sappi it’s a theme that has particular resonance for them, given the company’s strong belief that responsible forestry plays a key role in building a bio-based future as we restore, conserve and/or maintain biodiversity and natural forest areas.
The key here is ‘responsible’. While the deforestation of endangered tropical forests is a significant source of greenhouse gas emission and thereby cause for concern, Sappi states that they can confidently say that their sourcing practices cause zero deforestation.
Forests and forestry play an important role in mitigating climate change and reducing deforestation and forest degradation lowers greenhouse emissions. In addition, sustainable forest management can maintain or enhance forest carbon stocks and sinks, while wood products can store carbon over the long term and can substitute for emissions-intensive materials. All of these are important, because to maintain healthy ecosystems – estimated to hold the key to one third of the climate solution – we need to stay below a 2°C global temperature rise.
Woodfibre, Sappi’s primary product, is a natural resource that depends on ecosystem services such as healthy soils, clean water, pollination and a stable climate. “Against this backdrop, working to increase our positive contribution to maintaining and restoring healthy ecosystems is not only the right thing to do, it makes sound business sense. Accordingly, our sustainable forestry practices promote clean air and water and protect biodiversity, among many other critical benefits,” states Sappi.