We follow with the presentation by Reinhard Kropf of Helen & Hard of Norway.
His talk was entitled, “Experiences from prefabrication of wooden buildings.”
As an architectural company and now working with timber they were forced to approach architecture differently.
Also working with wood/Timber the thought process has to be design, production and assembly from start to finish.
Pic of Vennesia Library page 3
The use of digital tools and BIM is essential
The importance of Structural model is critical, especially when working with prefabrication
Pic page 9
Timber Construction by means of prefabrication does not apply to small buildings with two or three levels but with major buildings (use pic page 11) and the interface between the structure and concrete slab/roof supports is all part of the focus on the whole rather than the parts.
Page 18 pic
Note the innovative and beautiful timber joints that can be used. pic page 13
The presentation continued with the different models and how timber can be used best with stunning photos of the work the practice has done.
The next HWZ International Wood Conference will be held in hybrid style at the Cape Town Conference centre on the 28th February 2023. Diarise now. For more information contact:
part of text . Image credit: Helen & Hard, Norway